Nancy’s Quilt

I was asked if I could put Grandma’s quilt blocks together into useable gift for a family’s matriarch. As I envisioned the floral blocks, I was drawn to the idea of a garden trellis. I kept the quilt blocks as large as possible and added fabric to achieve a uniform size. I did not add any additional floral prints and made the trellis of green strips connected with navy cornerstones, colors seen in a garden as stems, water, and sky. The quilt is finished with a paisley green print, which boasts blue, coral, and pink tones which tie to the floral blocks. The quilt edge has a soft, navy border to mimic the movement seen in garden flora on buds, pedals, with corners trimmed to a leaf shape.

Shown at Garden of Quilts 2021


1930 Sampler


Twenty Twenty (1)