What began as a mystery Block of the Month sponsored by American Quilting and inspired by April Rosenthal’s Midnight Medallion, ended up with All About the Border for my quilt trunk and a 40th birthday gift for possibly the most gifted quilter I know, my daughter.

Lacie had long since voiced her desire for a black and white quilt so when I saw that the first months kit had supplies for 12 X blocks in 12 different colors set on a neutral background, I decided to make 12 X blocks in black fabric set on a white background.

The left hand photo was taken 5 months into the project and although I still didn’t know what the finished layout would be, I was beginning to gain confidence in my fabric choices.

This project was my first attempt at machine quilting, using a manual machine and pantograph. My long arm mentor suggested a white top thread and black bottom thread ‘to hide my mistakes’ and I couldn’t be more pleased with the overall results.

This quilt measures 64 inches by 64 inches. -Circa 2022

B & W 40




Fairy Doors