This rail fence was made at a time when bedroom suites had layers and layers of bedding, pillows, and fabric intended to evoke opulence slumber. Possibility the first quilt I created, it was designed to lie across the foot of my bed and add some personal charm.

I purchased about a yard of four or five fabrics, including the three lighter colors and began making identical rail fence blocks. Quickly I discovered the monotony of a single quilt block and just how skimpy two yards of fabric was. By the time I went back to the quilt store, I couldn’t find any of the the original fabric and I began to lament the cost of completing this project especially considering that I had no real sense of what was too much and what was not enough…

It occurred that if I couldn’t afford new fabric, the local thrift store may have thrifted items that could be used. I was able to find maroon plaid shirts in the mens department which were salvaged to create a second rail fence which was set with sashing to obtain the desired size.

The quilt was hand stitched and hand bound and in the space of five or six months this little creation was finally ready for my bed.

This quilt measures. -Circa 2004

Red Plaid Shirts


The Wanderer